“Waves are inspiring not because they rise and fall, but because each time they fall they never fail to rise again” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

My life in a time-lapse version:

  • Played lots of Tennis during my school days
  • Played more Tennis throughout Europe until finishing high school
  • Played College Tennis for the University of Kentucky and University of New Orleans, but more and more injuries restrained myself
  • Went back home to southern Germany and got a Bachelor degree in Aerospace Engeneering at the University of Stuttgart
  • Played a bit more tennis, but I was mostly coaching/teaching during my Bachelor
  • Then tennis got more and more replaced by skitouring, surfing, slacklining, …
  • Wrote my Bachelor thesis at NASA Ames in Mountain View, CA, within the SOFIA project
  • Picked up a camera to annoy my fellow people and justify a few more trips
  • Some traveling through Chile and Argentina for skitouring with friends
  • Started my Master degree in Atmospheric Sciences in Innsbruck

And now… I am finishing my M.Sc. by writing my thesis at the German aerospace center (DLR) Oberpfaffenhofen about gravity waves in the stratosphere.

In addition, I am also working for the avalanche warning service Tyrol in Innsbruck. Snowpack simulations and their analysis, visualisation, … mainly coding and developing new tools for the avalanche forecaster on duty. You can find somewhat more info in the research section.

Hopefully, you like my photographs, but, if not, I can handle the disappointment.